“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)
It is critically important to confirm gifts or pledges to a fundraising campaign in a personal and timely manner. Copy and paste the text into a Word document to edit as needed.
parish letterhead
Dear (personal names)
We rejoice in the Lord for your (gift, commitment) to join with us in our efforts to (describe the project). Thank you for your commitment. We are writing to confirm our understanding of your commitment to the (stewardship, capital campaign or endowment effort.)
On (date) you pledged $ (amount) over a (span of time). It is our understanding that the first installment of your pledge (or your one-time gift) will be given this year. If we have misunderstood your intention in any way, please call me or the church financial secretary so that we may correctly register your commitment.
You will receive quarterly statements from the office reporting progress on your pledge.
It is our heartfelt conviction that this program will enhance the spiritual life of the community, improve our program of services and help us to fulfill our mission as a parish.
We ask for your prayers and continued support. Lastly, we ask you not to forget your Stewardship commitment (this text is included if the commitment was to a capital campaign). Stewardship supports the worshiping life of the community and the programs of service that powerfully manifest the presence of Christ in our community.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Pastor, Campaign Chairperson or solicitor