“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” (James 1:17)
If multiple efforts have been made to contact a donor prospect and they elect not to respond to letters or phone messages and personal requests to meet, it is appropriate to send a follow-up letter to them. Here is suggested text for this letter. Copy and paste into a Word document to edit as needed.
parish letterhead
Dear: (personal names, if appropriate)
We attempted to contact you personally over the phone (and by mail) and have failed to do so on three separate occasions. We are calling because we need your help. As you know, the (parish or organization) is conducting a (stewardship, annual giving, capital) campaign.
(very brief paragraph stating the “case”)
We are writing to humbly and respectfully request a gift commitment of $___________. Our request is for (an annual pledge or capital gift) above and beyond your present level of Stewardship support.
(We have enclosed a pledge card and return envelope for your consideration. If you are able to join with us in this effort we would be very grateful or (May we respectfully request that you call our campaign chairperson and indicate your commitment? He/she may be reached at [numbers] or you may call me at [numbers]).
If you have any questions about our request please call us.
Yours in Christ,
(signature of pastor) (signature of Campaign Chairperson or solicitor)